Our Courses
1-Scratch Introduction Course
Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, you'll learn the basics of coding, including variables, loops, conditionals, and functions, all while creating engaging programs using Scratch's intuitive visual interface.
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
2-Scratch Advanced Course
With its intuitive visual interface and powerful features, Scratch makes it easy to learn how to code and create amazing programs. You'll learn how to: Control sprites, use sensors to make the sprites interact with the world and even add music and sounds!
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
3-Python Introduction Course
Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, you'll learn text-based coding with python, including variables, loops, conditionals, and functions, all while creating engaging programs using online interpreters and IDEs.
Ages: 12+
Level: Intermediate
4-Python Advanced Course
Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, you'll learn the advanced concepts of coding, including libraries, Jupyter Notebooks, GUI, to make sure you can create scripts and programs to use in real life!
Ages: 12+
Level: Advanced
5-Python & AI Project
Start making your own project after all your hard work! Choose from the following list of projects to showcase your skills: Chat-Bot, Password checker or Game buddy. Showcase your talents and creativity with a final project!
Ages: 12+
Level: Expert
1-Microbit Course
Explore robotics with micro:bit! It's easy to use and offers seamless robotic part simulation. Learn coding essentials, build and control robots effortlessly. Unleash your creativity and discover endless possibilities with micro:bit!
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
2-Scratch Course
Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, you'll learn the basics of coding, including variables, loops, conditionals, and functions, all while creating engaging programs using Scratch's intuitive visual interface.
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
3-Arduino Course
Master Arduino and unleash hardware innovation! Learn coding fundamentals, build exciting projects, and bring creations to life with Arduino's versatile platform. Join us on this thrilling journey of creativity and electronics exploration!
Ages: 12+
Level: Intermediate
4-Arduino Advanced Course
Join us on this thrilling journey of creativity, where you'll unlock the potential of servo motors and dive deep into advanced concepts in electronics exploration. Let your imagination soar as you unleash hardware innovation as an Arduino Master!
Ages: 12+
Level: Advanced
5-i-Robot Project
Start making your own project after all your hard work! Choose from the following list of robotics projects to showcase your skills: Robotic Arm, Darkness and Light Sensors Lighting, or Password-Locked Door. Showcase your talents and creativity with a final project that combines robotics, Arduino, and cutting-edge innovation!
Ages: 12+
Level: Expert
1-Scratch Course
Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, you'll learn the basics of coding, including variables, loops, conditionals, and functions, all while creating engaging programs using Scratch's intuitive visual interface.
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
2-Blender Course
'Creative Adventures: Mastering Blender for 3D Design.' Discover powerful tools, develop stunning designs, and bring your imagination to life in the virtual realm. Join us on a journey into captivating 3D visuals.
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
3-Unity 2D Course
'Creative Adventures: Mastering Unity for 2D Design.' Craft captivating visuals and bring your imagination to life. Join us for an exciting journey into the world of 2D design!
Ages: 7-12
Level: Beginner
4-Unity 3D Course
Unleash your creativity in 3D Unity design with our course, 'Creative Adventures: Mastering Unity for 3D Design.' Craft stunning visuals and bring your imagination to life. Join us on an exciting journey into the world of 3D design!
Ages: 12+
Level: Intermediate
5-Game Design Final Project
"Step into the realm of game design with our captivating final project. Unleash your creativity and apply your knowledge to create a unique and immersive gaming experience. Showcase your skills as you bring your vision to life and leave a lasting impact on players. Get ready to make your mark in the world of game design with our exciting final project!"
Ages: 12+
Level: Advanced
1-HTML Course
HTML Adventures for Kids" is a fun and engaging course designed to teach kids the basics of HTML, the language behind the web. Join us on an exciting journey where children will learn to create their own web pages and unleash their creativity!
Ages: 12+
Level: Beginner
2-CSS Course
CSS Adventures: Style Your Web Magic!" is a thrilling course for kids to master CSS, the language that adds style to web pages. Join us on an exciting journey to create visually captivating and dynamic web creations!
Ages: 12+
Level: Beginner
3-Javascript Course
JavaScript Magic: Web Wizardry for Kids" is an exciting course where young learners dive into the world of JavaScript, the language that adds interactivity to web pages. Join us to create captivating and enchanting web experiences!
Ages: 12+
Level: Beginner
4-Android Native Course
Android App Builder: Native Development for Kids" is an exciting course where young learners dive into native Android development. Join us to create your own mobile apps and unleash your creativity!
Ages: 12+
Level: Intermediate
5-iOs Native Course
iOS Adventures: Building Native Apps for Kids" is an exciting course that introduces young learners to iOS app development. Join us on a thrilling journey as children discover how to create their own native apps for iOS devices, unleashing their creativity and innovation!
Ages: 12+
Level: Advanced
6-Flutter Course
Flutter Adventures: App Building for Kids" is an exciting course where young learners dive into Flutter, creating their own interactive mobile apps. Join us for an adventure in app development and unleash your creativity!
Ages: 12+
Level: Expert